Happy New Year

It is hard to believe that 2019 is already here. 2018 was a very full year for us and our family.

As we enter 2019, we want to take the time to say how thankful we are for you. Enclosed is a end of the year wrap up brochure that lets you see just how thankful we are for you. We could not do what we feel God has called us to do without you. Please look at the “Because of You” brochures to see how God is using your support to further the Kingdom of God.

We finished the year with all of our children at home for Christmas. What a great time to have our grand kids here with us. Maelee and Kaiah are such a blessing to us. Adam and Andrea are doing such a great job as parents. Victoria was here with us and has a really nice guy in her life. She is looking forward to graduating in May. 2019 will be a big year for her. It was so nice to have Julia and Andy here too. Andy will be accepting a promotion to the leader of the Celebrate recovery ministry at his church. We are very proud of him.

2019 will be a very busy year for ministry at FamilyLife. I will be traveling to Norfolk, Colorado, and Phoenix this spring alone.

Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to do what God has called us to.

Thank you again for your support and prayers.