Cru is 70 years old this Month

Seventy years ago this month, Bill Bright had a vision to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ and started Campus Crusade for Christ. We still working toward that vision today. Now with so many Cru ministries all over the world the outreach and vision that was started in the 50’s is still growing. To God be the glory

October 5th is World-Wide day of Prayer.

Now more than ever we as believers need to be on our knees praying, worshiping, and asking God for his grace, mercy, and His  will be done for all belivers all over the world.
Please join us that day where ever you are and pray for our nation and every nation.

With a lot of planning and preparation, In Chattanooga Tennessee last month we successfully held our first event of the Fall season. Over 400 people came to safely invest in their marriage and family. We are on track to host 35 events between now and December. Praise God for His safety and prevision for our staff.

God is still continuing to use the “Weekend to Remember” to share the good news of the gospel. I will be serving in San Diego later this month as the Technical Director for two events. Please continue to pray for safety of our staff and attendees as the message is preached. “How will they hear unless someone goes?

Annette and I are still enjoying Nashville, even though it is further away from our kids, God is still growing all of us through the distance. We are so thankful for His grace.
Adam and Andrea are doing well in L.A.. I will be able to see them in a couple of weeks when I serve out there.
The newly weds Zeke and Victoria are busy and working hard at school and work.
The news from Andy and Julia is that they are expecting again. A new baby in April. We may find out the gender tomorrow. Stay tuned. 

Thank you for your support and prayer for our family. We are still honored to be able to serve God and or Lord and savior Jesus Christ be cause of you.