Merry Christmas

So much to Celebrate. So much to give thanks for. This time of year is always reflective for me because I tend to think back on where I was before Jesus saved me, and how the message of grace from the God who loved me, simply changed my life. Our prayer for you this Christmas is that God will envelope you and your family in His love. His unchanging, Unconditional, and Eternal LOVE. Merry Christmas.

Meet Baby Harper Mae Petry

This year we get to celebrate the birth of two babies, Our savior, and, Harper Mae Petry.
She was born December 1st at 3:12 am, 7 lbs. 2 oz. 20.5 inches long.
We drove up to see her last weekend and are smitten with her. God has really blessed Julia and Andy with a beautiful and happy baby. our hearts are full.

How can we pray for you?

As this year comes to an end, please take a moment to review this video, and let us know how we can pray for you.

FamilyLife is busy behind the scenes getting ready for when live events can resume.
However, in the mean time, our creative team has put together a “Team Us” package that will allow couples to do a set of three projects to enrich their marriage at home.
We are very excited to see what God will do with this new outreach.

Please keep praying that we will be able to minister face to face with couples again soon in 2021.

Thank you so much for your Prayers and support.
Have a merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year