Corona update – We are Praying!

Please keep praying for us as we make the transmission from Little Rock, back to Orlando. We have a lot of decisions to make between now and next year, and would really appreciate the prayers of many saints on our behalf.
Thank you for you ongoing support for us.

We are busy trying to keep our relationships strong with our Venues where we host our events. So far, in order to keep everyone safe, we have had to cancel almost half of our events for this spring season.
We completed 19 events from 2//7/20 to 3/6/20.

So far, we have cancelled 29 of our 58 events for this season.
We are not sure what the future holds, but God does.

So far, no one we know has the virus. I hope that it will stay that way.

We are all hopeful we can go back to our regular schedule of events in the fall.

Annette and I are so thankful for you and for God as we seek His face and His kingdom.

Adam and Andrea are doing the best they can in LA and the girls are doing great. They are too young to know what is happening and that is a blessing.

Getting ready for Easter.

Zeke and Victoria are busy having to go to work. Victoria is helping at the children clinic where she used to work, so she is essential staff but are keeping safe. Thank God.

Julia and Andy had to stay home in North West Arkansas and are doing well. Fellowship has had send everyone home. Thankful they are safe.

Thank you so much for your continues support and prayers on our behalf. We look forward to what God has for the future.
Thank you again so much.