Endorsement: Dennis Rainey

“I think the most important theme that is shared in the Like Arrows movie is that Jesus Christ needs to be the rock on which every house is built, and He needs to be the center. And from Him flows the wisdom to be able to handle the tough issues that you face in life. I think they do a masterful job of that.” Dennis Rainey, Family Life

I had the opportunity to serve at the Weekend to Remember in Ventura, over 250 couples renewing their vows to finish out an amazing event.

After the Weekend to Remember in Ventura, we had a great time visiting Adam and Andrea and our two beautiful grand daughters, Maelee and Kaiah.

Annette with Kaiah. Both are such a cuties.

Maelee Grace and Kaiah Fay. They are growing up so fast.

Adam and Andrea are blessed to have such a great family, and they are doing an amazing job raising these two beauties. Love them so much.

Thank you so much for all of your support and prayers for the Vieras. You are making it possible for us to keep obeying the calling to serve here at FamilyLife.


Please continue to pray for our steadfast obedience to our great and Mighty God.