Earlier in June I had an opportunity to be the Planner of the Orlando Weekend to Remember at the Caribe Royale. What a great event. There were over 700 people who spent the weekend hearing from some of our best speakers God’s plan and purpose for marriage.

This is just one example of many comments from the event that shows how God is at work in this vital ministry.

Before the weekend, I felt everything crumbling down in my marriage. I didn’t trust it would truly last forever. I was afraid my husband was on his way out. He was so willing and excited to come to this event and we have learned so much, we have recommitted our marriage, repented, and feel God moving already. Thank you so much for this getaway. It truly has been unforgettable.
Married 2 years

June was a very busy month for us. The best thing that happened in June was that Adam and Andrea became the proud parents of Maelee Grace Viera, born 6/26/16 weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces. What a cutie. We are so proud to be grandparents of such a precious little girl.

Andrea did such a great job. She went into labor at 1:00 am and by 5:58 am she gave birth to this cute little bundle of joy all natural home birth with no medication.

Welcome to the world our first Granddaughter!
Maelee Grace Viera
6 lbs 13 oz. born 6/26/16