Important News:

FamilyLife to move to Orlando

Because of your special partnership with us, we wanted you to be among the first to know of a major decision our Board and leadership have made to help fulfill our vision of reaching every home for Christ.

In the summer of 2020, FamilyLife will be relocating its headquarters from Little Rock, Arkansas to Cru’s world headquarters in Orlando, Florida.

There are so many reasons for this decision. Ultimately, it is all about how we can increase FamilyLife’s capacity to fulfill our vision of “every home a godly home,” and help even more families move from isolation to impact.

We hope you’ll watch this video where David Robbins shares more details about the move and the reasons behind it. After you watch it, please reach out to us if you have any questions. We would welcome the opportunity to talk with you.

FamilyLife considers our role as Project Manager and Meeting Manager, mission critical to the ministry and has asked us to move to Orlando. In the coming weeks, we will be fervently praying and seeking the Lord regarding the implications of the move for our family. While co-locating with Cru will decrease FamilyLife’s facility operating costs to reallocate funds to important ministry efforts, the process of moving our family across the country will certainly have financial implications. Please pray for us as we make important decisions related to the logistics of relocating.

Thank you for your friendship, your prayers, and for walking with us as we trust God in this next phase for FamilyLife and for us.