“Consider it all joy when you face various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance”. We are starting the year so grateful for the goodness of God and for so many of you who have been praying for our family.

Since Adam had his accident in the middle of November, we have seen the goodness of God in so many ways. It is so good that Adam is alive. It is so good that he is not paralyzed. It is so good that he was able to come to the US for additional surgery. It is so good that he was able to come home for Christmas.

Annette and I are so aware of the power of Prayer and the goodness of God. We have also come to realize that as we tell the story, God gets the glory. So now we have an expression that we ourselves repeating quite often. “God gets the Glory for the Story”.

The longer I live the more I am convinced the everyone’s story, no matter who’s it is will give God the Glory.

Victoria’s also had back surgery the day before Adam arrived in the states. How good of God that she healed so quickly that she was able to help with Adam’s recovery.

We celebrated Adam’s 24th birthday at home with some of his friends just being very low key.

We had a great time celebrating Annette’s 50th birthday. We did something that we have never done before. We went painting. It was very therapeutic and fun at the same time. We didn’t know just how talented we were.