Saying goodbye to Adam

We got up early in the morning on July 3rd to put Adam and Blake, his travel buddy, on a 6:00 am flight to Africa. What an emotional send off. I guess it’s fair to say that we have known he would be leaving to go to Africa for some time, but it was still hard saying goodbye. We cried, He cried, then we said goodbye.

Even though it was 5:00 am a lot of Adam’s friends came to the airport to say goodbye and hug him one more time. It was hard for Adam to go up the escalator without waving goodbye to his life-long friends one last time. Adam did a good job of holding it together until then. Before he went through security, we hugged and prayed and cried.
Together Blake and Adam made their way from Dubai to Uganda and eventually they had to part ways as Adam went on the South Sudan and Blake came back home here in Arkansas.
Adam is now home in Yei South Sudan at Harvesters Reaching the Nations.


Pray for Adam and follow his blog at “South Sudan”