In 1996 we attended our first Weekend to Remember and this couple was the speakers. For the last 15 years Jerry and Cheryl Wonder have been missionaries in China.  They shared with our staff last week how the Art of Marriage is now in China.


We also heard from so many FamilyLife staff members from all over the world. God is truly a global God with a heart for every tribe tongue and nation.

We could have never imagined what God would do in our lives over the last 10 Years.


We are thankful to God and you. We have seen God move in the lives of so many people over the last ten years and we realize that none of this would be possible if it were not for you and your faithfulness to God.


We would have never dreamed that as we were obedient to God’s call that one day He would call our son to full-time mission work in South Sudan Africa. Adam is serving with Pioneers and Harvesters Reaching the Nations. He has been there for 2 months now and is learning Arabic as fast as he can. Go to to follow him. God is good.


It is because of your faithfulness that we are able to obey his call. We cannot be thankful enough. Thank you for your support and prayers.