Washington DC Reston VA

1035 People at the Weekend to Remember

Here are just some of the comments from the event. I should not be amazed because it happens every time, but, I still am. Amazed!

“There was a wall between us when we came – lack of intimacy, touching, talking and the wall is down and we have been equipped to keep it down if we continue to work at it.”
Married 47 yrs

“Dealing with/ getting over infidelity…  Has brought us back together to be able to have hope, to learn, to trust again… to realize that God has everything He needs to make lives whole again.  If we give up our issues/desires/expectations to follow and lean on God, everything changes for the better.”
Married 20 yrs

“AMAZING!!!  We’re newlyweds & thought we were doing great & that it would just be a fun weekend that we’d coast right thru… HA!  NO!  I praise God He led us here & with open minds because it may have saved our marriage somewhere down the road by exposing our bad habits!” Married 5 months

God still keeps working in the lives of those who attend the Weekend to Remember. Every time I think about the children who will be impacted by a couple who choose to stay together, I am in awe of our GOD.

Adam is so close to being fully funded. He will have his support raised soon and will be going to Survival training later this month. He is still on track to depart July of this year. Please keep praying for God’s favor on him. We are both about 10 weeks into our 15 week Perspectives class on world missions and the work of the gospel.

Prayer Requests

Pray for Annette as she is taking on more responsibilities in her new role.
Pray for Walt as I am taking on a new role as well.
Pray for Adam to be fully funded. Pray also for the young men that he is mentoring.
Pray for Victoria as she is continuing to do the right thing by working hard to pay off debts.
Pray for Julia as she finishes up her second year of college.