Wow! 2014 is already here and we are already busy. We are starting 2014 with a new approach to our digital media prayer letter updates. You can expect us to send out our Prayer letter each month with a new mail service, “Mail Chimp.”

We are looking forward to what God is doing this year. I would have to say that FamilyLife has not been busier. This year we will be involved in hosting the Weekend to Remember, the Art of Marriage, the “Love Like You Mean it’ cruise, and the “I Still Do” arena events. I will be doing the 2 Washington DC events in Reston, VA this spring. Wow, Busy is understatement.

Well we are proud and praying for Adam. He just turned 23 this week and God has him in the palm of His hands. Adam has been accepted to join the staff of Pioneers sending agency. He will be serving with “Harvesters Reaching the Nations” when he is fully funded. Right now he is about 45% there. We are praying for his safety as well because Harvesters in in Yei, South Sudan.

Thoughts to start the year

Dennis Rainey spoke to the staff of FamilyLife at the beginning of this year with some thoughts for the start of this year. He gave us his thoughts for what are three things to consider doing personally.

I thought these were worth sharing.

  1. Ruthlessly analyze the affections of our hearts.
  2. Give thoughtful contemplation to what God is doing in our generation.
  3. Take a hard look at the horizon and where we are heading.

As we begin 2014, we will keep praying that our heavenly father will bless you for being faithful to HIM.