We have been very busy this season already.

I just got back from two back to back Weekend to Remember events. One was in Appleton Wisconsin where we saw 194 people come to know Christ for the first time out of 670 in attendance.

The other event was in Colorado Springs Colorado.

This week at FamilyLife we had Paul Tripp come and speak to us and what a treat it was. Paul hosted a marriage conference here in Little Rock.

Adam and Annette had a great opportunity to attend a premiere of one of the films that Adam worked on recently in Northwest Arkansas.

Prayer Requests:

Pray for the business of this season. Pray for us to take time to love the God we serve.

Pray for all the details that go along with the ministry of Live Events to bless couples marriages

Pray for Annette as she tries to keep us all together.

Pray for Adam to finish his support raising to be sent off to South Sudan this summer.

Pray for Victoria for financial peace.

Pray for Julia’s safety as she takes a well-deserved spring break trip to Florida.