Thank you for all you support and Prayers. You are making a huge impact for the Kingdom of God. Our Fiscal year has ended and a new one has begun. Sometimes we have to stop and take inventory and remind ourselves of how much God is doing. Here is a reflection of where we are as a ministry as we start this new fiscal year.  We are thankful for allowing us to serve here at FamilyLife.

  • 1million HomeBuilders Couples Series® study guides distributed in the US
  • 3+ million guests attending a FamilyLife marriage event
  • Nearly 600,000 Art of Marriage® participants since release in Feb. ’11
  • 100,000+        decisions and inquiries for Christ at our events
  • 5 million Listeners reached weekly via FamilyLife radio broadcasts
  • 9+ million Podcast downloads and audio/video streams
  • 75,000 Pastor couples in whom we’ve invested to experience a Weekend to Remember®
  • 8 million Dozen Resurrection Eggs® distributed – almost 187K since FY 2013
  • 20 million children exposed to the gospel via Resurrection Eggs
  • 8 Million Unique visitors to
  • 108 countries with ongoing FamilyLife ministry
  • 42 languages FamilyLife resources have been translated into around the world
  • 150,000 have been through Stepping Up

As we begin our Fall Weekend to Remember season and a new year we are excited to see what God will do. The first event that I will be serving at is the Baltimore event this month. We will host 80 events this year and another 90 next year. The need to minister the word of God to couple is more vital today than ever before. I am including a list of are the events for this season.

Adam and Andrea will be back from their honeymoon later next week. They are in Orlando now for her orientation and training to join staff with pioneers. As soon as the finish raising more support, they will return to South Sudan. Please keep them in your prayers.

Victoria is doing well in her new job at the Little Rock Children’s Clinic. She is learning how to processing the Insurance claims. She is enjoying the challenge.

It is so hard to believe that this is Julia’s last semester in college. She will graduate this December. Pray for her decision to attend Grad school, when and where.

Annette is doing well taking on more responsibilities in her job. We really enjoyed have a week off for vacation last month.